Ananda College Products at Kapruka

A need of the era during the British colonial period an English education for the children of majority Buddhists of the country became a reality when on 1st November 1886 a daily English school was opened at No 61 in Maliban Street Pettah pioneered by Ven. Hikkaduwe Sri Sumangala Thero and inspired by Col. Henry Steele Olcott the founder of Buddhist Theosophical Society popularly known as BTS. Sta..

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A need of the era during the British colonial period an English education for the children of majority Buddhists of the country became a reality when on 1st November 1886 a daily English school was opened at No 61 in Maliban Street Pettah pioneered by Ven. Hikkaduwe Sri Sumangala Thero and inspired by Col. Henry Steele Olcott the founder of Buddhist Theosophical Society popularly known as BTS. Sta..

About the brand Ananda College at Kapruka

A need of the era during the British colonial period an English education for the children of majority Buddhists of the country became a reality when on 1st November 1886 a daily English school was opened at No 61 in Maliban Street Pettah pioneered by Ven. Hikkaduwe Sri Sumangala Thero and inspired by Col. Henry Steele Olcott the founder of Buddhist Theosophical Society popularly known as BTS. Starting with a mere student population of 37 it was soon relocated at Paranavadiya in Maradana where it blossomed into the present day pristine glory. Renamed Ananda College after Buddhas chief disciple Arahant Ananda it earned a reputation as islands Premier Buddhist Educational Institution for boys. Ananda College along with many feelevying Private Schools came under governments control in 1961.

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