Blizzon Ginger Tea : 100% Natural

US$ 3.02

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  • Experience the magic of nature in every sip! This 100% natural tea blend is your go-to elixir for a healthier, more vibrant you. It`s time to elevate your tea game and embrace the extraordinary benefits of this enchanting fusion. Brew a cup of this blissful tea and let the transformation begin!
  • No artificial or nature identical added flavors; no nasties ! You body benefits from the 100% natural herbs blended with all the goodness of pure Ceylon tea !
Not only it is blissful, following are few health benefits,
  • Energizing drink: Feel invigorated with the rich, robust flavor of Ceylon black tea blended with 100% natural herbs, perfect for starting your day with a bang!
  •  Immune Boost: ginger, known for its immune-boosting properties, fortifies your body`s defenses against many stressors & challenges.  
  • Weight loss support/ Keto Boost/ Enhances intermittent fasting results: ginger helps suppress appetite and regulates blood sugar levels, both of which aid weight loss. It also aids in the reduction of fat absorption.
  • Metabolism aid: The combination of pepper and long pepper (thippili) aids digestion and may support a healthy metabolism.
  • Antioxidant boost: Black tea brims with antioxidants that help combat free radicals, contributing to overall well-being.
  • Digestive aid: ginger and pepper assist in soothing indigestion and promoting a happy tummy. Supports optimal digestion & improve breakdown & utilisation of nutrients from food. 
  • Soothing and Warming: Experience the comforting warmth of this blend, perfect for relaxation and unwinding. 
  • Bold Flavors: The unique blend of spices and tea creates an explosion of flavors on your palate, making every sip an adventure with a bold punch. 
  • Aids Respiratory Health: ginger may help with congestion and overall respiratory wellness. 
  • Experience the magic of nature in every sip! This 100% natural & blissful tea blend is your any time tea for a healthier and a more vibrant you !    

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