Sri Lanka Posts has been in existence for more than 209 years and employs more than 17,000 employees in various positions. They are one of the oldest Government departments in existence today and we are proud of their history and heritage. Currently, Sri Lanka Posts have a total of 4,692 Post Offices in the whole country. The postal rates in Sri Lanka given below are translated from an extract dated 15th August 2018.

Normal letter postal rates in Sri Lanka (maximum weight 2kg)

Postal rates in Sri Lanka: A letter posted from a charitable organization and social service organization (maximum weight 20Kg) – Rs. 12.00  

  • Conditions:
  • Should be approved from an act in parliament
  • Should get the approval of the Post Master General
  • Should have a written request
  • Need the last annual report and annual accounts. Also, require any statement or record requested by the Post Master General
  • Should conduct the organization without a profit motive
  • The registered postal facility will not be available

Newspapers and magazines registered with the Postal Department (maximum weight 1Kg)

The letters accepted by central mail exchange for delivery within 1-15 Colombo

  • Conditions:
  • For each time (or each month) lettersposted should be a minimum of 25000 nos.
  • Maximum weight of a letter shall notexceed 20grams
  • Should get the approval of the PostMaster General
  • The sender (or organization) shouldbe one party
  • Should separate and bundle letters toeach and every post office

Parcel post postage (maximum weight 20Kg)

# Brail documents for blind persons are excluded from any postal fee.

# Registration fee Rs 30.00 (Parcel post, speed post and logipost cannot use registered post facility

# To obtain a certified copy of a registered post Rs 100.00

# A registered or insured item will not be charged an inquiry fee

# Certified copy of a receipt for the delivery of a registered item (Pink Receipt) Rs 100.00 (Postage of Rs 15.00 is also included)

# Surcharge on an article which should be registered, found unregistered in transmission “ Rs 100

Postal rates in Sri Lanka: Propaganda postal service

Directories/annual reports handing over to one address (Including service fee Rs 10.00)

Inland Speed post charge (Maximum weight 10Kg)

For delivery within Colombo delivery zones or acceptance and delivery within own delivery zone “ A

For delivery in areas out of own delivery zone “ B

Logipost – Maximum weight 40Kg)

Goods transported by using baskets (flowers, fruits, vegetables) maximum weight 20Kg


For the first 10 words Rs 30.00 | Each additional word Rs 2.00 | Fixed-rate Rs 10.00 | Sent message certificate Rs 20.00 | Certified copy of original sent message Rs 50.00 – on the request of the sender/receive

Parcels taken-over by paying the value

Postal and handover fee (Money order postal fee) Rs 15.00 – (In addition to postal mail fee and money order fee)

Insurance fee (Up to a maximum of Rs 25,000)

(For each Rs 1000/= or in part) Rs 25.00 – In addition to the Postal fee and registration fee

Certificate of posting for one/additional postal articles

For one item Rs 40.00 | From 2 “ 100 items Rs 50.00 | From 101 “ 500 items Rs 60.00 |From 500 items or more Rs 100.00

Warehousing charges

Warehousing charges (First 05 days free, from 06th day onwards will be charged per day) Rs 50.00

Search fees

For search in destination office Rs 25.00 | For search in transit office Rs 35.00

#The minimum surcharge on an unpaid or underpaid postal article Rs 10.00

#To get a return on a posted item Rs 50.00 – (In addition, to send a message Telemail fees apply)

#Handover notice-fee Rs 30.00

Registration fee/annual renewal fee

Registration fee/annual renewal fee for registering with the postal department with the intention of posting a newspaper publication/magazine Rs 3000/=

Postal ID

Normal service Rs 50.00 |One day service Rs 100.00

Post office box yearly fee Rs 5000.00


Mail bag “ small (760mm x 430mm Rs 5000 | Mail bag “ large (970mm x 510mm Rs 7500 |For additional key Rs 500

Business reply Envelopes or Cards

The annual Registration fee for Business reply Envelopes or Cards Rs 5000’00 (For every calendar year). A minimum refundable deposit, equal to the sum of the postage of the number of envelopes or cards expected by the institution within a month, should be made.

Money orders

The maximum amount that can be sent through a money order from a post office Rs 50,000 | Maximum amount that can be sent through a money order from a sub-post office Rs 10,000

Money order commissions “

Up to Rs 2,000.00 (each Rs 100 or in part) Rs 3.00

From Rs 2000.01 to Rs 10,000.00 (for each Rs 1000 orin part Rs 12.00

From Rs 10,000 to Rs 25,000 (for each Rs 1,000 or inpart Rs. 10.00

From Rs 25,000.01 to Rs 50,000 (for each Rs 1,000 orin part Rs12.00

Fax money order

Minimum amount to be sent Rs 100 |In addition to money order commission “ fixed fee Rs 10.00 |fax fee Rs 30.00 |A private message sent along with the fax money order “ Excluding the first 10 words each additional word Rs 1.00

Stamp envelopes

Small (6� x 4 ½�  Rs 18.00 | Large (9�x 4�) Rs 20.00

Traffic spot fine

Traffic spot fine service fee – 10% from the total amount